Echo JS 0.11.0

orefalo 666 days ago. link 1 point
uuid v4 is a very weak uuid format
  - it will generate collisions when distributes
  - it doesn't store well as an indexed column
  - crypto can be unsecure for some implementation

I wrote an article at


tracker1 664 days ago. link 1 point
If you're using a good random number generator, crypto suitable, then UUID is decent and only really need to worry about it if you're creating over hundreds of thousands per second.  UUIDv1 is slightly better, assuming you are on a system that supports the MAC address lookup as part of the generation, not the case for 'uuid' library's v1.
orefalo 662 days ago. link 1 point
You forgot about distribution, poor db performance and predictability.

I would recommend staying away from any uuid <= v4

UUIDv1 is ever worst as it leaks data. stay away from it!

It's all captured in my research.