Echo JS 0.11.0

kali 698 days ago. link 1 point
This article casually ignores that the TS community already:

 - had a quite lengthy discussion about the strict-ness of Omit ( see: ), where pros and cons of extending keyof any vs keyof T have been clearly debated.

 - provides a fair amount of implementations of a OmitStrict in various libraries, such as ts-essentials, type-zoo, or others.

With this, I don't mean to imply you shouldn't do this. But the casual tone in which the article ignores all of the previous discussion and the other options just feels too misinformative and may cause other problems elsewhere in a project.


przemyslawjanbeigert 697 days ago. link 1 point
Ad 1) Thanks a lot, I didn't know about this discussion. I'm gonna add this link to the discussion.

Ad 2) I try to present lib agnostic articles. I think writing about implementation is more interesting than "install and import"