Echo JS 0.11.0

kali 847 days ago. link 1 point
> But lego-build does more than help you make front-end components, tools that do that already exist. Lego-build is far more powerful.

This is your claim. And yet, both the article and the actual lego-build website *only* show doing "lego-build component Nav". I mean, there are a lot of words written, sure, but the only example ever shown is that one. Nothing else.

I'm not saying this as a criticism to the tool itself, but mostly as a criticism of your marketing skills. Showing the simplest thing which other tools can already do, and then claiming that your tool can do a lot more but *not* showing that, doesn't make your tool sound interesting. It makes it sound like snake oil.


Akpeti_Trust 847 days ago. link 1 point
I was a bit offended at your comment at first, but after much thought I must say you're right. We could have shown an example using lego-build to quickly create a React hook.

I've been thinking of a good comeback but I have none, we should have shown more of the tool's flexibility. But just to clarify, the tool actually *is* as flexible and powerful as it claims to be. We'll try and show more of that on our landing page

Thanks for the feedback! If you're a front-end developer you can try lego-build out, or tell your friends about it.