Echo JS 0.11.0

[deleted news]
tracker1 1371 days ago. link 14 points
If you are so smart, and have so much time, why is it you cannot create a pull request to add this feature?  No, you act like an entitled, spoiled child.

We have day jobs, and not a lot of free time to add the code needed.  Fabien is a new dad.  Instead of actually reporting the issue, making the suggestion and being patient, you continue to throw a tantrum like a toddler whose parents are completely absent.

You have single-handedly created more spam in the past month, than every single source other than you combined.  When you originally spammed the group, I was on vacation and Fabien (again, new baby) was otherwise occupied.

What a fucking childish asshole.


jeffdean 1371 days ago. link -5 points
I am sorry for that, I won't attack the server the way I did earlier, just minor unrelated content sharing. Take your time and fix it the way you want.
tracker1 1371 days ago. link 7 points
Why attack it at all?  All you are doing is demonstrating you are a spoiled asshole.
jeffdean 1371 days ago. link -4 points
understandable, It's not worth Spamming anymore, No more EchoJS.
shadowtime2000 1371 days ago. link 3 points
Unrelated content is completely spam. If you think you are being a hero saving a community by pointing out its flaws you are wrong, your just ruining your reputation on the internet which will just hurt you later on in life.
jeffdean 1371 days ago. link -1 point
I am not saving anyone, I didn't care about this community, I still don't, But, I think it's enough, I should leave EchoJS.
shadowtime2000 1371 days ago. link 0 point
If you don't care about this community at least don't try to claim that you are helping us by pointing out flaws in spam reduction.
haggiemaberman 1371 days ago. link 0 point
If you don't care about the community then stop being an asshole and leave us alone.

Abhishek Chaudhary you are unwelcome here.