Echo JS 0.11.0

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PixelCraft 1451 days ago. link parent 2 points
Why doesn't spamming occur in other communities? You know what makes them different? Excellent Moderation. You can blame me for spamming, but, just the fact that it's possible to spam this community shows that it's bad. Preventing Spamming is the responsibility of community, not it's members.


holins 1451 days ago. link 4 points
Maybe a community based on basic ethics is nice too have. Everything was fine until you came along. I really don't understand why you are doing this. It's dumb, It gives a bad name to you & your project on top of ruining a community enjoyed by everyone. Just stop.
PixelCraft 1451 days ago. link -2 points
A community without moderation is like a train without breaks, it will crash one day. If you really want to use this community, force the admins to enforce moderation. Else, kill it.
shadowtime2000 1451 days ago. link 2 points
We were doing fine before you came. Maybe it will crash one day, but that won't be for a while. Just leave and I bet our community will go back to normal with ppl not so desperate to get gh stars that they use bot accs to spam here. just low man, just low
PixelCraft 1451 days ago. link 0 point
Why wait for it to crash, better crash now than in future. EchoJS is safe because it's barely popular, otherwise, it would have been fucked up by bots. Don't defend this community.