Echo JS 0.11.0

tracker1 1468 days ago. link 1 point
Generally, if you're passing properties from above to components below more than a layer or two, you're better off using Context and/or Redux (more advanced context).

I tend to find it's worth getting used to Redux's flow for *most* applications. There are alternatives (like MobX) but Redux works REALLY well in most applications.  There are some configuration utilities that are Redux with enhanced configurations in the box as well.  In the end, the pattern is a bit harder to get used to, but allows for feature scaling without linear growth of complexity.

GraphQL or Apollo are also good and can work well when the backend supports it especially on larger applications or development environments.

For small apps, you can go a long way with contexts and custom action hooks, but I'm inclined to just jump to Redux pretty early on.
