Echo JS 0.11.0

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tracker1 1441 days ago. link 0 point
You don't need to do this... JSDoc comments work without TS configured at all.  Assuming all you are really after is the code usage hint/dialog.


shadowtime2000 1441 days ago. link 1 point
The article was about using JSDoc + TS, I know JSDoc can be used without TS. This was mainly just for static type checking with JSDoc and TS.
tracker1 1441 days ago. link 1 point
You aren't doing meaningful checks or adding additional TS context, so why even bother with adding a tsconfig?  Most IDEs will apply those checks with the jsdoc alone and it isn't actually checked at runtime.
shadowtime2000 1441 days ago. link 0 point
Well, it is possible that someone isn't using an IDE but they still want to type check it. Then they could run `tsc --noEmit` and it would be type checked.