Echo JS 0.11.0

tracker1 1271 days ago. link 1 point
I hate these kinds of posts...

I started with "Asynchronous Functions" the answer is muddied by the fact that JavaScript since 2017 has had an "async" keyword that applies to functions, which is interpreted as meaning said function returns a Promise, and supports an await  keyword and possibly for-await syntax internally (2019 iirc).

I often will go through these things one by one reporting the issues with each of them, I'm not going to this time.  Letting it stand, but when reading this, take it with a grain of salt, these types of writeups are often outright wrong to mis-informed to incomplete to say the least.

These types of questions should *NEVER* be asked by those that don't understand the answers.  They are not appropriate for pre-screening applicants by people such as HR, recruiters or managers.


gitconnected 1271 days ago. link 1 point
Thank you for the feedback, that's actually very helpful, and I agree.

While I agree that the questions shouldn't be asked by people that don't understand them, the unfortunate state of hiring is that they are (for better or for worse), and it can mean the difference in someone getting a job.

If you are interested in reading through the questions in more detail and responding, that would be very much appreciated.