▲ Desktop ONLY – Drag&Drop performance inside a multithreading env at neomjs.github.io▼3 up and 0 down, posted by tobiu 1620 days ago 3 comments
tobiu 1620 days ago. link 1 point ▲ ▼background info: the demo app is located inside the App Worker. the drag events get triggered in main, while the handlers live within the App Worker scope. I was sceptical at first, how the performance for a custom drag&drop implementation would work out. Best to use Chrome (some polishing left for FF & Safari). The TouchSensor is next on my todo list. You can find the code here: https://github.com/neomjs/neo/blob/dev/src/main/addon/DragDrop.mjs https://github.com/neomjs/neo/tree/dev/src/main/draggable https://github.com/neomjs/neo/blob/dev/src/dialog/Base.mjs Once the TouchSensor is done, I will create a demo for multi screen drag&drop (dragging an in app dialog from one browser window into another). A blog post will follow. Desktop only as well (until the TouchSensor is ready) and still work in progress: https://neomjs.github.io/pages/node_modules/neo.mjs/dist/production/examples/calendar/basic/index.html You can only drag events inside the week view into valid states.