Agreed, it's totally broken :(
The rankings somehow worked at the beginning but then started to become totally irrelevant, as the compute_news_score function does not take time in consideration.
Not sure what to do about it at the moment : sadly, Lamer News development is stalled, nothing has been pulled since early November. Will try to look into it next week.
From Lamer News source code :
# Given the news compute its score.
# No side effects.
def compute_news_score(news)
upvotes = $r.zrange("news.up:#{news["id"]}",0,-1,:withscores => true)
downvotes = $r.zrange("news.down:#{news["id"]}",0,-1,:withscores => true)
# FIXME: For now we are doing a naive sum of votes, without time-based
# filtering, nor IP filtering.
# We could use just ZCARD here of course, but I'm using ZRANGE already
# since this is what is needed in the long term for vote analysis.
score = (upvotes.length/2) - (downvotes.length/2)
# Now let's add the logarithm of the sum of all the votes, since
# something with 5 up and 5 down is less interesting than something
# with 50 up and 50 donw.
votes = upvotes.length/2+downvotes.length/2
if votes > NewsScoreLogStart
score += Math.log(votes-NewsScoreLogStart)*NewsScoreLogBooster
# Given the news compute its rank, that is function of time and score.
# The general forumla is RANK = SCORE / (AGE ^ AGING_FACTOR)
def compute_news_rank(news)
age = ( - news["ctime"].to_i)+NewsAgePadding
return (news["score"].to_f)/((age/3600)**RankAgingFactor)
Yeah, it's especially flagrant on where most front page news are two months old..
I pinged Antirez about it, he told me he has been working on a fix which will be pulled this week. I'll update the site as soon as it's released :)