Echo JS 0.11.0

MaxArt 1688 days ago. link 0 point
A link to localhost. Congrats! :facepalm:

Also, it's been *a year* you're posting links about CSS custom properties in IE11. Yeah, there's a (quite limited) polyfills. Now cut it out! This is just spamming.

Replies 1687 days ago. link 1 point
Excuse me if my euphoria about the polyfill bothers you. Perhaps I'm posting too much about it.
But it is not right to express your dissatisfaction with the content of the post.
"quite limited": make or show me a better one.
MaxArt 1686 days ago. link 1 point
I have no interest in doing so. IE has long lost my attention.
This doesn't change the fact that the polyfill *is* quite limited, period. There are factual limitations that prevent to reach 100% compatibility.

Please post updates to your library only when you have signficant changes.
And let viewers decide if a demo is "impressive" or not. 1685 days ago. link 1 point
With regard to what the Polyfill can actually already do, I consider "quite" limited to be out of place.
And I think I know better what the factual limitations are.
With more effort, it is possible to pass almost all of the CSS-variables web platform tests.

Without even taking a close look at the polyfill, keep your criticism about the form of the post and not about the content.
MaxArt 1683 days ago. link 1 point
Who told I haven't taken a closer look? I've even starred the repo *a long time ago*.
I stand by my position. I don't consider a limitation just what's implemented in the polyfill, which is actually quite good - but also the performance impact of the solution, and the outlook of the usefulness of it. Polyfilled custom properties can't be animated, for once; and generally a bit chunk of their actual convenience comes with Web Components and Shadow DOM (which can be shimmed with *severe* limitations in IE), and in the future with all the Houdini APIs.

To quote what Echo JS' mod tracker1 said 5 months ago: "Personally, I don't support any version of IE at this point.  It's EOL, replaced and a security risk.  Not to mention the shims/shivs/transforms needed for ES2017+ are massive.  It's a  target that's not worth taking for the most part."
In short: if I *have* to support IE, CSS Custom Properties are the least of my concerns. That doesn't change the fact that *any* polyfill for IE is a remarkable effort that deserves respect.

Also, my original comment *was* about the form of the post. It seems you took it quite personally and I don't know why.