JavaScript is a really hard first language to use... Dive Into Python[1] is considered one of the best getting started books on learning to program. I know it's a completely different language, but it's considered a really good jumping in path.
For JS, Head First[2] is a decent getting started... it's not great for actually understanding JS though. After those, I would probably read Eloquent JavaScript[3] and/or JavaScript: The Definitive Guide[4] (O'Reilly), aka "The Rhino Book".
You may want to start with #4 for at least a few chapters and see how you get through it, it may be enough on its' own.
Also, you might find the Kahn Academy courses on JS useful... I've heard good things on their Intro To JS[5], which seems to be centered on making a web page more interactive as a point of entry.
1. - Dive Into Python
2. - Head First JavaScript
4a. - JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly) 6th edition
4b. - JavaScript: The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly) 7th edition pre-order