Echo JS 0.11.0

tracker1 1772 days ago. link 1 point
I think I commented along these lines in the original post... I don't mean to be discouraging, only that from a developer perspective there are so many choices. As to the deluge of options, I'm coming at this with 24 years of web application development experience.

Here is one major issue, and that is you pretty much have to click through from the landing page, to the docs, to the playground to have anything resembling a complete code sample for beginners, this should be front and center.

My issue specifically with frameworks like this is that it doesn't get you closer to either the html dom or to a component structure.  The playground example is almost a component example with Form etc... just hard to flow.  Also, at least from the example, you cannot segment state use... each child component needs to know about the state as a whole, you cannot pass part of the state, bind event handlers or bubble up/down the portion of state and handlers to the child.

Similar alternatives include using hyperapp with a separate state manager... There's also svelte, riot and preact to consider.

Beyond even this, you can go a very long way with template strings.

isotope seems like it might be useful if you want a dynamic piece in a larger site, without much overhead (size is probably the biggest selling point).  Although, I think trying to build anything significant with this would fall apart pretty quickly.
