Echo JS 0.11.0

tracker1 1495 days ago. link 1 point
I almost removed this article, but I'd like to get feedback from the community on this. It isn't JS specifically, but thinking and explaining how to handle certain types of programming problems.

You'd be likely to see questions like this in a FAANG level technical interview.


alleyvictor 1495 days ago. link 2 points
So you also agree that content is good and worth sharing.
dumdum 1495 days ago. link 3 points
Totally agreed! and explanation is also very verbose and impressive
tracker1 1495 days ago. link 2 points
It isn't so much about being worthy content... this site serves a very specific topic, and venturing away from that (JavaScript) is frowned upon.

There are lots of articles and tools that get posted on Flutter, Swift, Rust, Go, Commercial Services, etc... and they tend to get removed.  The fact that this is more conceptual is why I didn't remove it out of hand.
ritwikrai 1495 days ago. link 0 point
Yes, it is a JS platform and yes the blog is more about the concept. The concept is language independent. That's all I want to highlight, rest I loved his writing so I may support him but if the community wants to take it down then I have no issues!
howdiejs 1495 days ago. link 0 point
You have to realize that your platform is such that it enables people to fetch nice content on the internet. And it is content of that kind.
howdiejs 1495 days ago. link 0 point
I don't think such an action should be taken against the blog post. Its content is really good and kinda out of the mainstream of the usual content available on the internet. I haven't read something such intrinsic for a long time. We all developer in some way need to learn these skills, for the better
dumdum 1495 days ago. link 0 point
I am regular vistor of platform like yours. I would vote in favour of keeping it on board!