Echo JS 0.11.0

salvietta 1922 days ago. link parent 3 points
I'm agree. I don't like taking the time to enforce the typing over JS. But currently it seems to be the trend of the moment...


tracker1 1922 days ago. link 1 point
What it comes down to for me... I prefer JS over say C# for even server-side development.  Mainly because the lack of typing enforcement and flexibility.  If I'm using TypeScript, I may as well be using C# even if it's costing me in terms of time and velocity.
moliper 1922 days ago. link 1 point
Interesting that you compare TS with C# and that you prefer C# since they have completely different ecosystems. .NET libraries tend to be money centered, which means you have to pay to use them.
tracker1 1922 days ago. link 1 point
I prefer JS over C#, I prefer C# over TS ... C# (.Net Core) is open-source... I don't have to pay anyone to use it.