Echo JS 0.11.0

tracker1 2108 days ago. link 1 point
This is definitely stuff that developers should be aware of.  I do hope that the future articles in the series give some more specific segments to look out for.  This article is mostly some links to standards and guidelines which can be overwhelming to say the least.

There are a few browser extensions that can help with the lower hanging fruit.  First is Lighthouse[0], you can get to this in chrome dev tools under Audits and select Accessibility.  The second is "axe"[1] by Deque.  The third is WAVE[2].  While they do have some overlapping functionality they have varying levels of interaction and advice.  WAVE is probably the most thorough, but IMHO also the least hand holding or advising.  I'd suggest giving all three a try as well as using all three when developing for accessibility.

Generally speaking, if you're building sites/apps for a company with over 500 employees, iirc, you need to be following these guidelines.  If you are targeting public clients (government users), you need to comply with these guidelines.  eLearning, etc... same.  You should at least be a little familiar with the tools and comfortable with making suggested changes.

If you're using a toolkit, it should already be mostly baked in.  Some UI toolkits do not have some of the bits needed, but isn't hard to make upstream issues and/or pull requests to correct.  Often it's just additional annotation/attributes.  For example, with material-ui input controls and their associated labels, you need to ensure a unique ID per control so the labels are linked to the control as far as accessibility.  Color contrast is another issue that comes up a LOT.

