Echo JS 0.11.0

tracker1 2115 days ago. link parent 1 point
Yeah, the directives (DSL == domain/document specific language).

I generally use connected router (recent upgrade in a project was fun) which abstracts a lot of it with Redux.  Redux does add a bit of complexity, but that complexity scales incredibly well.  Meaning once you understand the patterns, they're easy to repeat and grow features without more increases in relative complexity.

As to Vue, my issues are almost the opposite, I feel it would be very hard to scale to a larger app without relatively higher rates of additional complexity by comparison.  Even the more modest apps I've worked on with Vue got to be murky in practice.

CSS in JS for Vue is kind of interesting, but similar issues in general surrounding theming.


jasonland 2115 days ago. link 1 point
There's a weird meme I keep seeing that Vue does not scaling well that I've never understood. The state management is very easy to modularize and provides a very clear path to understanding what data goes where.

As for theming, it's trivial to import a master SASS file or 3rd party theme like Bulma and then overwrite where needed in components. Unfortunately my work chose to use Tailwind, so I don't get to reap those benefits.

My issues with React were almost always footguns, like with Redux and its middleware or the three or four ways to handle `onclick`.