Echo JS 0.11.0

tracker1 2158 days ago. link 1 point
I write node scripts that run from package.json and/or interface with utilities/binaries from npm packages mostly.  Even for projects that aren't node, as it's installed everywhere.

Here's an example from an active mono-repo.

    "husky": {
      "hooks": {
        "pre-commit": "node -r esm !main/scripts/run-child-npm-task precommit"
    "scripts": {
      "reset:db": "node -r esm !main/scripts/reset-db",
      "build": "node -r esm !main/scripts/run-child-npm-task build",
      "test": "node -r esm !main/scripts/run-child-npm-task test",
      "first-init": "node -r esm !main/scripts/first-init"

A typical script for me has the following shell…

    import path from "path";
    import shell from "shelljs";
    export async function main(skip) {
      if (skip) return;
      ... work goes here ...
    main(!!module.parent).catch(err => {
      process.exit((err && err.code) || 666);

Generally, path and shelljs are nearly always used, so I start with the above and add more as needed. the mz package has also been useful, but mostly replaced with internal options.
