Echo JS 0.11.0

avi.vahl 2166 days ago. link 2 points
It's quite similar to ts-node... which I have also used over the years. I had quite a lot of trouble with the way it picked up configuration and @types packages, and the various Windows-only breakages. 

At a certain major version, they disabled the type checking by default. It might be enabled again in v6. Not sure.

Anyhow, as I needed the multiple tsconfig support (see README; "why?" section), I went ahead and created this library. Wanted to master TypeScript's language services further and learnt a lot in the process. I am also quite happy with the tests of source-map support and type isolation.
I plan further refactorings before v1.0.0... maybe even package names: `node -r ts-support my-script.ts`

I'll add a link to `ts-node` in the README.
