Echo JS 0.11.0

davidchase 2493 days ago. link 0 point
> There is a demonstration site up of Ivy’s huge potential. > 

> Although it’s the simplest possible example, the bundle size is about 3.2 KB! 

What? two links and hello world and it costs me 3.2KB in JS how is that good? blat i dont need JS in that page


davidchase 2492 days ago. link 2 points
haha i get the point... but it would have been better demonstrated with an actually todo/hackernews etc app not something like hello world because then it seems like an actual app would still be rather large even with a compiler compared to Svelte etc.. you feel better now?
kirilloid 2491 days ago. link 1 point
Actually, yes. That size of 3.2kB isn’t very informative.
Adding the size of a slightly bigger app would help in improving understanding Ivy’s real power.
Can we write a simple app w/o adding half of the RxJS to the bundle?