Echo JS 0.11.0

MaxArt 2872 days ago. link 3 points
Man, the grammar in the article is pretty bad...

Anyway, I don't think I'll use it until it'll have tree-shaking, but kudos for the effort. Creating a (decent) modern bundler isn't an easy task at all.

Ah, and another thing: referencing the project's root with "~". Really not a fan of it. I won't probably never load a module from the home directory, but this is messing with a widely estabilished convention.


tracker1 2872 days ago. link 1 point
I'm relatively sure the author has exposure to .Net as the tilde is used as project root the too.  It doesn't work out autosub for profile/home in node currently in any of the path or FS modules.
mephju 2872 days ago. link 1 point
The tilde is also a symbol referring to the user's home folder on Unix systems.
tracker1 2871 days ago. link 1 point
I know... I work with Windows, Linux and Mac on a daily basis.  I was just pointing it out in context as to why that was chosen.  It *could* also be thought of as the *home* for the application itself.

I even mentioned that node specifically doesn't do anything with tilde in the fs or path modules, even in a unixy environment.
feras khoursheed 2871 days ago. link 1 point
thank man for the support :) that is exactly why we chose it. because we come from.Net background.

to answer the OP, try to check how many npm packages like `app-root-path` are trying to solve this big issue and you will get a better idea about the reasoning behind it.