Echo JS 0.11.0

alexhultman 2942 days ago. link 1 point
Reminds me of my first job. That was the first time I ever got in contact with people coming from a background in web development and the cultural clash was enormous. They only spoke in buzzwords and FRAMEWORK this, FRAMEWORK that FRAMEWORK in the name of the product and GENIUS FRAMEWORK this. I ended up writing a 50 line HTML5 Canvas graph in 1 hour after nobody managed to implement this in D3, AFTER THREE MONTHS. D3 because "D3 is created by a genius" and FRAMEWORK that! I also made a complete expanding and styled tree capable of holding thousands of items and expanding them in absolute 0ms, in about 10 lines of recursive code. We of course ended up using Angular 1 instead (which by that time was THE BEST FRAMEWORK IN THE WORLD) FRAMEWORK! FRAAAMEWORK!! FRAMEWORK. This Angular tree could display 10 items and it took a 500 USD NVIDIA card as big as my thigh 1 second to render 1 frame of that tree. You clicked something and it took 1 second of frozen web page until anything happened because of FRAMEWORK is FARMWORKR! This is exactly why people don't consider web developers real developers.


xab 2941 days ago. link 2 points
Have you read the article itself? It's more of a thought experiment than a real world scenario, with lots and lots of musings and funny ideas, but the author knows this and reflects on this in a nice way throughout. Frameworkitis combined with hype is a very annoying thing but it has always been around, even back in the days of Prototype, mooTools and that new and hot swiss army knife tool by some John Resig guy :)