Echo JS 0.11.0

tracker1 3082 days ago. link 5 points
While I agree with @machineghost and @xat, I want to state that I feel a lot of it comes down to incumbents who are more comfortable with other languages/platforms that tend to bring preconceptions in with them.  A lot of web developers have far more experience with PHP, Java or C# than they do JavaScript itself.  They've also attached far more energy into the Angular 1.x ecosystem than anything before it (regarding full JS platforms).

I do think that React will overtake Angular 1, and that Angular2 won't catch a lot of the ng1 users moving forward.  I will make one statement regarding the two... React has some of the most clear, consistent and useful error messages in the console of any web tool that I've ever used as a whole.  ng2 will silently just bork on template errors.  And ng2 isn't much better.

I feel that a more functional approach is better with regards to predictable state and that not following more FP-oriented practices leads to a lot of wierd state issues that tend to be more prevalent when following the ng1 model specifically.  $scope.$apply's existence is the single worst code smell in that ecosystem.  React has evolved to adopt the usage of the broader tooling (cjs modules, babel, etc), while ng1 in particular works against that, and while ng2 is better, there's still a lot of alien parts baked in.

I'm working in ng1.x at my day job currently, and will say there are much bigger issues with organizing JS based projects with the average developer than react vs angular.  On the flip side, I prefer frameworks that lead to code discovery, vs spending half my time in the search tab in my editor looking for the right file to edit.
