Echo JS 0.11.0

tracker1 3103 days ago. link parent 1 point
CJS/Node modules really can only work via pre-bundling solutions... AMD is pretty bad in it's own right as well, though slightly better for the browser case.

The ES2015 module syntax offers the ability to determine loading as a pre-process step.  Though in practice most aren't using proper reference paths, so you're stuck using pre-bundling, similar to CJS.  Also, you can't conditionally require modules as you can with CJS.  Some benefits are the ability to have better tree shaking with bundlers.  As it stands, the tooling is a work in progress.

If ES2015 modules were supported in browsers from earlier on, then they would have been used over either CJS or AMD.  And HTTP2 would have been *HUGE* in terms of performance.
