Echo JS 0.11.0

tracker1 3192 days ago. link 1 point
I've been a Bluebird user since very early on, and used Q a bit before the Promise/A spec was complete, the syntax changed a bit, but that said, I've had a preference to Bluebird.

It's worth noting, that depending on what other systems you are using in your packages, you should replace Promise with Bluebird as soon as possible.

If you're using webpack, you can use the ProvidePlugin

    new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
      Promise: 'bluebird',

This also helps with defining jQuery ($, jQuery, window.jQuery) for your modules (if they need jQuery)

you should also have an entry that establishes window/global overrides, so that it is truly global in the browser, will help with console statements as well.

I usually setup jQuery, Bluebird and/or Axios as globals... Though you can always use the shim that Babel and others provide, bluebird does more.
