Echo JS 0.11.0

timoxley 3430 days ago. link 1 point
1. Be wary of tech that doesn't have code samples up front.
2. Be wary of tech that rubbishes the competition.
3. Be wary of tech that does 2) before getting to 1).


daffl 3423 days ago. link 2 points
That is interesting. To my knowledge none of the alternatives have code samples up front. We did some testing on different page combinations and it turned out that most devs didn't even bother to look at the code if they didn't have a reason to do so and the main reason from the feedback we got was to know first why it is different to the alternatives.

Code samples on the frontpage also had the problem that people thought it is the only way things can be used (e.g. providing a MongoDB example made it seem like nothing else is supported).

It is a work in progress though and will definitely be improved.