3640 days ago. link 2 points ▲ ▼Yuck, it's running on WordPress? I'd expect a site named to be running JS itself. Why no nodejs, iojs or meteor?
jsorg1 3640 days ago. link 0 point ▲ ▼There is no production ready CMS based on JS... Authentication and handeling sensible user informations is nothing for experimental stuff. 3639 days ago. link 1 point ▲ ▼Full size CMS isn't necessary, you could easily achieve all the needed functionality with markdown and git a la:
sady92 3640 days ago. link 1 point ▲ ▼DIY Dude. I was kinda disappointed as well, i expected to see something different, not WordPress :). If you invested $ on a domain, why not invest some more on a better system ?