Echo JS 0.11.0

davidchase 3761 days ago. link -5 points
Im curious to why there's some down-votes to this post... ngFanBoys LOL


ghurtado 3759 days ago. link 3 points
I wonder that as well. I actually quite like Angular and I voted the entry up! I did so because I want people to be exposed to the replies to the article, so they may see how easily debunked the original claims are (see first post). He may have had some valid points, but if you write a "10 things" list and one of the reasons is that "Gmail doesn't use it" it kinda debases the credibility of the author pretty quickly. So if you voted it up as well: thank you!
mxxx 3759 days ago. link 1 point
yeah "written by google" doesn't hold much weight in light of "use React"