Echo JS 0.11.0

andreypopp 3778 days ago. link parent 1 point
Can you point to browserify plugins/transformers/guides on how to handle CSS bundles, handling static assets and split points in code? I'm asking because I was searching for those and didn't find. Then switched to Webpack as it provides all of those.


andreypopp 3776 days ago. link 1 point
Unfortunately `partition-bundle` can only partition by enrty points specified via configuration. Webpack can also do that and more importantly it can do splitting by split points in code: `require.ensire('./page', function(page) { ... })`.

Regarding `cssify`: does it able to extract styles into a separate CSS chunk so I can just include it <head />? Also what if it finds a reference to a font or an image in stylesheet? Webpack can handle all of that (embedding css in js bundle, splitting css into separating chunk, embedding font/images as base64 data URIs or treating them as separate assets and copying into output) and in configurable manner.

I like browserify for its super easy and thoughtful API but in terms of features I really need and use I prefer Webpack.