Echo JS 0.11.0

jylauril 3873 days ago. link 1 point
This is pretty outdated article... I think I've seen it first time a couple of years ago. Not sure how much they have updated that article since that, but it doesn't give very trustworthy feeling when they don't even include the date it was written on.

JavaScript as a technology moves forward so fast and browser cryptography as well, so this kind of articles tend only to confuse people and cause tabloid-magazine type zero value shock effect, especially when you can clearly see that the whole point of that article is to try to sell what ever that company in question is offering as a service.

JavaScript cryptography, when used right for right purpose, works perfectly well. If your point is to provide bank-level security implemented fully on the browser side, so yea, that might be a stupid idea to begin with. But who doesn't know that already? It's the same issue as always, pick the right tool for the right job.
