Echo JS 0.11.0


sylvainpv comments

sylvainpv 2872 days ago. link 1 point
and number 3 in ES5:

function unique(x,i,a){ return a.indexOf(x) === i }
[1, 2, 3, 3].filter(unique)
sylvainpv 2961 days ago. link 1 point
Well, there's not much more than what I said on github. I disapproved some tweets from @gianlucaguarini, tried to tell him but he reacted badly, so I made this move to disengage and make myself heard at the same time. If you want more details, we should discuss somewhere else.
sylvainpv 2970 days ago. link 1 point
I think if I have to restart the project from scratch while sticking with Angular, I would be much more peaceful now that we have stable API, angular-cli and feedback on the tooling (webpack+rollup+typescript would be my new choice). It's more the timing and the process of decision-making that turns out badly for us. Emotions come when we start to lose control and feel stuck with something.
sylvainpv 2970 days ago. link 1 point
You're missing my point too. I am an OS author/contributor myself and I know how valuable it is to have positive feedback and criticism. 

I know how it feels when people say your work is terrible, especially when these people are famous. It happened to me last Sunday :

Three weeks ago, I quit the RiotJS organisation to protest against the main contributor publicly shaming other open source maintainers on Twitter:

It matters a lot to me. But I guess because I respond to a comment in a Just Be Nice article, I became the bad guy and deserve my downvotes.

Let me try again: I only answered to this false idea that "no one forces you to use the framework". Yes, you can always quit your job, though it does not solve anything. Truth is there are few people lucky enough to pick the tools of their choice. Especially when talking about frameworks in big compagnies: these decisions are made at a very high level and rarely by the people who actually have to work with it every day. In my case, the decision to go with Angular 2 for all our future projects has been made months before the first beta release. At the time, there was no feedback, no prototype, only enthusiastic slides from Google promising miracles to come. How did we come to this decision, if not because of marketing ? 

Google recognized they made mistakes in the way they promoted Angular and communicated about its state of development. Companies have bet on it too early, and thousands of developers had to follow this chaotic path of 17 betas and 7 RC (which definitely were not RC). Of course, in a context of work pressure and stress, it leads to frustration and, at long, anger. Anger is the consequence, not the source of the problem. See how being overly positive in the beginning led us to being overly negative today ? That's why I don't think we should focus on being positive at all costs, but instead try to be less emotional about our tools and as always, practice critical thinking. Not every JS project has to be either "awesome" or "terrible".
sylvainpv 2970 days ago. link -3 points
It's more likely that my boss pays me to produce good job and thought Angular will help me to this end because he has been influenced by the opposite of ranting, but equally subjective, non-constructive and harmful, which is MARKETING.

Do you know what is the last advice I received on my open source project ? "I think I'd avoid asking people to bug hunt, and instead just sell them something sexy. Just focus on getting people using it instead of being honest with them".