Echo JS 0.11.0


shadowtime2000 comments

shadowtime2000 1444 days ago. link 4 points
TheAbbie is a spammer really. Thats kind of just it. They have been spamming on EchoJS for a while.
shadowtime2000 1444 days ago. link 3 points
Kind of unrelated to this but the person who did that devrant is theabbie (aka @PixelCraft the spammer) and based on the fact that kn0thing acc was created 3 hours before this post I think it is highly likely the @PixelCraft spammer is back again.
shadowtime2000 1446 days ago. link 7 points
Not enough karma to vote down :(. Pretty much spam cuz this doesn't really have anything to do with JS
shadowtime2000 1447 days ago. link 1 point
A Deno rewrite would be pretty cool and would put more trust into its stability. Could possibly look into aleph or mandarine or opine or oak
shadowtime2000 1449 days ago. link 3 points
CSS content would be fine I guess as long as its CSS that's kind of related to JS, like modifying custom properties with JS or using an AST in JS to modify CSS. I would see WebAssembly just not fitting as much because its a whole lot more than just JS and the web.
shadowtime2000 1450 days ago. link 1 point
Clear spam, this is a promotional about some financial first eagle company ... nothing to do with js. Also possibly a scam.
shadowtime2000 1450 days ago. link 3 points
God, if he tried to impersonate you that account should be deleted. That's a lot more serious than spamming some low quality links
shadowtime2000 1450 days ago. link 1 point
Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks for making that clearer! but still, if we don't have that many active mods spam posts might not even get deleted.