Echo JS 0.11.0


sander comments

sander 3537 days ago. link 1 point
the article is not that useful to be honest. at best it seems very outdated.
* The article talks of AtScript, though in early march the team behind angularjs retired atscript in favor of TypeScript 1.5 (where they sat together with the people behind TypeScript and made all atscript functionality available in TypeScript itself).
* Layuout wise code examples could use some form of highlighting, or an actual code styling around them, now they are just a blob of html thrown on a page.
sander 3671 days ago. link 6 points
don't add undocumented repos with 3 commits just to get some traffic. make sure you have a readme that says what your app is all about. there are 10 REST libraries on nodejs, why is yours different? what does yours have to offer.
sander 4274 days ago. link 2 points
I believe we don't have to add everyone's favorite framework's featured questions page ... every decent developer know's the way to Stack Overflow don't we?