Echo JS 0.11.0


saelfaer comments

saelfaer 3961 days ago. link 1 point
Non issue if you ask me, as there is an easy workaround for the magic Dependency injection. define it as an array with the actual function as last item in your array.

var mod = angular.module('mod', []);

mod.controller('controllerName', ['$http', 'otherdependency', function(httpobj, otherdependency){

// you can name them httpobj, because the array syntax tells angular that $http should be loaded in the first attribute of the controller function.
saelfaer 4006 days ago. link 2 points
Emmet (zen coding and other html and css shortcuts)
GitGutter (shows git changes in the gutter)
AdvancedNewFile (quickly create new files)
saelfaer 4006 days ago. link 1 point
If it had that option i would use it for sure,
if that option implies it uses some default settings...

for example, http-server tries to setup in the /public folder if the one you're executing the command from has a public folder. if not it will setup the current folder.

things like that make your tool easier to use, since you don't have to ask for it every time. 

such a flag could 'assume' the current folder or the public folder is the one you want to host. if not then people can use the questions to set it up.

sounds feasable yes
saelfaer 4010 days ago. link 1 point
I like the installing node libraries part, other than that it is very similar to http-server package ( which I often use, due to it's easy  initialize...

what I didn't like about this serverfy, is the fact that before you start it asks you a set of questions. 

while http-server is lacking features, it sets up literally in miliseconds. with only 1 command!