Echo JS 0.11.0


pianoroy comments

pianoroy 4227 days ago. link 3 points
I use EchoJS primarily as an RSS feed for awareness of the JS community. The design of the page could be improved to make it more attractive as a browser bookmark instead of just an RSS feed.
pianoroy 4227 days ago. link 3 points
Just a comment that may be helpful: One of JavaScript's greatest strengths (and especially so in ES6 and beyond) is its strong support for functional patterns. One thing I appreciate about MS's Entity Framework is the strong support for functional patterns (a la LINQ) -- one can build a query by stringing together a series of higher-order functions, and the DB query is only executed when the expression is enumerated.

Any ORM that supports functional patterns (especially higher-order functions with delayed query execution/enumeration) will have my interest.
pianoroy 4326 days ago. link 1 point
May I suggest that you take this on as a programming challenge? Having an "itch" to scratch and the ability to do so with code is not something to take for granted.