Echo JS 0.11.0


paprikka comments

paprikka 3726 days ago. link 4 points
yeah, it is quite overrated, but there's a place for it (prototyping, getting some designers with a little bit of tech knowledge closer to the so called "design/ux unicorn" role).

btw, I think the biggest value of this post was the course discussion he was trying to keep, regardless of technology involved.
paprikka 4123 days ago. link 2 points
I was working on a grunt.js based application scaffolding tool following very similar concepts. There are two things I find rather problematic: 
1. handling more sophisticated modules (eg. Users module, containing $resources, several CRUD based controllers).
2. packaging SASS modules along with JADE/HTML templates and CoffeeScript/JS code.

The structure I came up with looks like:
assets (static stuff)
- public (build)
- src (actual app source)
-- common (contains js / .scss / .jade module agnostic source, like layout, typography)
-- users
---- services
---- controllers
---- directives
---- partials
---- styles (sass modules)
---- (main module loading directives, controllers inside subfolders) 
- vendor (3rd party packages from Bower)

We could replace subfolders with hungarian-style naming as you did, I'd say it's a matter of personal preference.

I think a mixed approach should scale a little bit better.
An example of what I'm trying to achieve: (the architecture is still work in progress, going to move a new version to a different repo)