Echo JS 0.11.0


orefalo comments

orefalo 3592 days ago. link 1 point
Well this is really not rocket science. Separation of concerns, segregation at the component level is not something new, in fact it's one of the SOA foundations.

Besides, the idea around microservies works really well when you build everything from scratch - but fails when you integrate applications (built by others) - how would you then split the datastore in a Large CRM or ERP?

Bottom line, I feel like micro services are yet another nerd word to describe proper SOA.

We all know developers don't know how to read, right?
orefalo 3941 days ago. link 1 point
THIS should have been called THAT, so that people coming from other languages don't get confused. A good language must also mitigate differences and be easy to maintained by mediocre developers.

If THIS was properly implemented, Javascript could have been called Scala. See, in the end it has nothing to do with being functional or not.

Last point, ES6 fixes THIS crap with classes... finally.
orefalo 3943 days ago. link 0 point
Commenting sucks on this site.. the link is hard to find.
orefalo 3950 days ago. link 1 point
It depends on the perspective:

If the code is throw away and maintained by experts, loose typing is certainly an option.

I you are building something huge that should last 10-20 years and be maintain be mediocre developers, no unit testing. Strong typing can certainly help.

The perfect language probably lands in the middle.

Either ways, the article points the problem pretty well: JS is a poorly designed language. A piece of crap really, when compared to other recent languages. Unfortunately it seems to own the browser - so there is only one way out -> make it better.

As far as TS, it has its issues. and yes it should probably do a better job at fixing JS discrepancies.
orefalo 4151 days ago. link 1 point
THIS is the clear demonstration that Javascript is closer to ASM than a 3rd generation language. The "language" is poorly designed and is taking a lot of shortcuts. The only reason we are talking about Javascript today is because it lives in every browser - not because it's a great "language".

Just look at what is happening, TypeScript, ECMAScript 6, Dart, Coffeescript - they all try to address the language shortcomings.

Honestly, this language is so poorly design, that it took 4 iterations to get a for() loop done properly. The latest in ES 6 is for(of).. 

To me JS should be used just an Assembly code, and actually it's one of the possible paths (asm.js).