Echo JS 0.11.0


nagyadam2092 comments

nagyadam2092 918 days ago. link 1 point
Another approach would be to generate TypeScript types based off of OpenAPI definitions - we use oats (, but I am pretty sure there are other libraries that achieve the same thing. One downside is that you need some mechanism to keep the OpenAPI definitions in sync, but eg GitHub actions could easily do the job. Upside of oats is that it generates the endpoints for you so you dont need to eg setup a server in your tests.
nagyadam2092 940 days ago. link 2 points
Why do you need to use lodash's `filter`? `Array.prototype.filter` should suffice, so like
array.filter(el => !_.isNull(el));
nagyadam2092 1289 days ago. link 1 point
ah ok! written communication can be misinterpreted so hard 😂
nagyadam2092 1290 days ago. link 1 point
sorry, didn't know this was a spam. I'm actually having fun just playing around with the config options like speed and size 😂