interesting article, but it always puts me off when someone makes a throwaway comment like
"It could be Angular, lodash (you’re not still using underscore, are you?)..."
what's the problem with underscore?
I wish more people would read this article. RequireJS allows you to use 'shim' directives to try and jimmy in support for non-AMD scripts, but it's really not difficult for people to bake in support for their modules.
The event listeners in the example code are a bad pattern, namely the use of 'bind' without a matching 'unbind'.
When binding callbacks on a View to events on a Model/Collection, it's preferable to use .listenTo(), since all bindings that are listenTo'd are unbound on View.remove().
Also if you are bind()ing directly, i'd be inclined to use on(), seeing as that's the method listed in the docs (bind is simply an alias of on).
yeah, jQuery promises are a bit closer than they used to be, but still not completely compliant.
the classlist code they use has a fallback for IE (regex for class removal, string concat for adding).