Maybe we should ask Frederic Cambus to weigh in on this given that has conflicting guidelines: one part days JS, HTML5, and other FE-related content, another bullet point days JS content only. My guess would be this forum would shrink in the amount of content that is posted if it were just JS and nothing else, given we already see such a heavy mixture.
That's correct, it's a collection of videos specific to CSS.
You'll find a number of EchoJS posts aren't specific to just JavaScript. Per "Echo JS is a community-driven news site entirely focused on JavaScript development, HTML5, and front-end news."
Welp, it's certainly Google's platform for all future design. So if you think about it holistically then yes, it would be HTML5 because it's going to end up being the next generation of web/app design for them; I'd even bet Material Design ends up being the "preferred" way that Google recommends all web apps be developed. You've got grid systems, web components, and more. Definitely a worthwhile link for this group. +1 upvote.
Echo JS isn't just for JS topics.
"Echo JS is a community-driven news site entirely focused on JavaScript development, HTML5, and front-end news."
That covers a lot ground _outside_ of JS; CSS3, performance, workflow, etc. Now granted, Swift isn't a JS capability per se, however, JS devs are a target audience for Swift (along with Cocoa and Objective-C devs), so I still thought this was appropriate to post.
How is the problem solved? The fact that other replacements exists is hardly enough reason to leave well enough alone. If devs are building them with better performance than jQuery or Zepto I say keep going.