Echo JS 0.11.0


lordgreg comments

lordgreg 2949 days ago. link 1 point
Thank you for your reply. Appreciate it.

And that is also the point, Observables are the "next big thing", however... no one can't explain what would we use them for.

lordgreg 2953 days ago. link 1 point
Um... that Promises too advanced are could I understand for complex things that would in all cases be complex and overdeveloped.

However, not even once in my last Year of trying to get into RxJS aka Observables wasn't I amazed in any way. Not only amazed but stressed about the docs and examples. 

I would NEVER, use Observables over Promises in any of my current apps. Reading "Angular 2 is terrible" makes a perfect example about the whole "Observables" pattern usage. 

I would, however, completely agree with you- I would NEVER use Observables for a simple tasks. But until today, noone gave me any special PROs about Observables because of which I would switch immediately to RxJS. 

Angular team (Google) is forcing Observables pattern into JS world. Is this really really needed?

People aka. us, developers, always forgot to keep it simple. Do not overdevelop, as Angular did.