Echo JS 0.11.0


kaszu comments

kaszu 1667 days ago. link 1 point
While it's cool, it not created using JS, so it doesn't fit echojs.
It should be posted in hackernews though.
kaszu 1669 days ago. link 2 points

I consider this as a spam because /user/przemyslaw_michalak and /user/chris_czopp has been submitting gluecodes articles one after another
kaszu 1669 days ago. link 2 points

I consider this as a spam because /user/przemyslaw_michalak and /user/chris_czopp has been submitting gluecodes articles one after another
kaszu 1672 days ago. link 2 points
1. There is no source, all 3 motionia.js files are minified? So this is closed source project? There is no build process or anything.
2. In the commits you are adding / removing the same file, is this to inflate git commit count? Please don't do that!
3. There is no documentation
4. "There are 100+ builtin animations", there are listed only about 20, what are the other ones. Maybe show them on the website
5. "capability to create a lot more", there are no docs, how can it be done? It doesn't seem to be an option at all
6. This library loads automatically jquery. If I'm using a bundler and already have a jQuery loaded then that's not ideal at all
7. Script insert large style element, it would be better to just use a separate stylesheet instead of embedding it in JS which then embeds it in document.

I see the similar story with your other library alertia.js, what's going on here?
My assumption is that you are trying to make a portfolio / github presence, but you have it closed source, that's not a way to go.
kaszu 1676 days ago. link 1 point
This has nothing to do with JS or related technologies
kaszu 1688 days ago. link 1 point
This is bad for accessibility. Since href is not a valid attribute to for example <p>, assistive technologies will ignore it.

Technically you should be using event delegation instead of attaching events to the elements on DOMSubtreeModified.