Just for your information... Around 70-80% of the times, your blog is unreachable. It fails to respond, it returns an error, etc.
In this particular case, you seem to have posted the wrong URL. The link submitted here is /building-a-decentralized-app-with-vue-and-tezos and that returns a 403 Forbidden. But the article is indeed reachable at a different URL: /creating-a-blockchain-decentralized-app-with-vue-and-tezos
So... I don't know what your problem is, but maybe try to figure it out before going around sharing non-working links. Personally I'm not really interested but I think it just doesn't make much sense for yourself to share non-working links.
P.S. I know you, @fkereki, probably won't read this, but... well, I tried.
It feels rather stupid to make up this category of "React SSGs" and then list a bunch of them that don't use React at all. And even more, wrapping up with "React is the first choice for SSGs" and "dominates the market" is absolutely ridiculous as a conclusion.
This pointless article is little more than an excuse to insert -4 times- a link to your website offering "React developers".
But of course, this is EchoJS. This is the kind of thing that is welcomed -and upvoted- here. Meh.
The code in the examples needs to be checked more carefully.
In the first example, you create the schema with a 'status' property, then try to create entries with a 'name' property instead. In the second one, the TypeScript example, you create an enum called 'Status', then refer to it as 'Rating' in a property called 'rating' to create the schema. Then you try to create entries with a 'name' property again. So, nothing really makes much sense at all in the code.
What's worse is that in the TypeScript example you use the enum as if it was simply interchangeable with a string. That is, you use the string 'Valid' instead of using Status.Valid. TypeScript *will* refuse that as an error.
In the final example about strictBindCallApply, the "solution" is presented as:
const numHandler = (a: number) => {
console.log(`log ${a}!`)
numHandler.call(undefined, '25')
This will trigger the same warning from tsc, because the 25 has been enclosed in quotes making it, still, a string.
(Also, all the code in that last section is missing the > in the =>)
P.S. The server at blog.openreplay.com seems to go down frequently.
[comment deleted]kali 984 days ago. link 2 points ▲▼
I'm going to reach for the classic: It depends. IMO it depends mainly on the quality of the code / developer.
If the code is good, the language doesn't really matter too much. If the code is bad, the language doesn't matter too much either.
Now, if you find some average code... then, in principle, sure, any additional information provided can help, and so will types. But then again, if the code is just average, the context provided by the added types will probably be of the same average quality. So, sometimes it will help, and sometimes it won't.
Mostly unrelated to this is the fact that as people have grown more familiar and knowledgeable with TS they've also -in general- improved the code they write with it. So, in a way, TS code you see today is *probably* better written than older TS code.
The whole article feels like the author still needs to learn a *lot* more about the concepts they try to explain before they can actually write about them.
Most of the explanations given are off in some way. The general structure of the article seems to be just throwing pieces of ideas and jumping from one thing into another without any particular order.
Framing this in the context of a job interview reinforces the feeling of "I don't have much idea about this but I have to answer something / write something in my blog".