Echo JS 0.11.0


jylauril comments

jylauril 3933 days ago. link 1 point
I agree that you should be using a right tool for the right job. I use Backbone as main library in my work, so I definitely know it's advantages and limitations.

However, by just adding more libraries like Marionette, etc. only thing you are doing is moving the boilerplate to somewhere else and potentially (especially in the case of Marionette) completely exploding the size and complexity of your app.
jylauril 3942 days ago. link 2 points
Generally I think it's a bad idea to use Google Analytics for JS error tracking, but I can see why someone would want to do that... kind of. The downside of doing it this way is that you can't group the errors in any way and you can't have proper stacktraces with the error events.

Also from my experience of running high-traffic sites, 95% of the JavaScript errors we capture are caused by different browser extensions/addons and anti-virus/spam filters, which can render the whole error tracking completely useless if you don't have the right tools to identify patterns, etc. And for that, Google Analytics really is not the way to go.

If you have a high-traffic site, you should really invest into some other tool than GA. Qbaka ( or Bugsnag ( are really good and affordable. (No, I don't have any affiliation with either of those.)
jylauril 3944 days ago. link 6 points
I don't get the point about this post.

I do understand why he can't be a CEO anymore and I totally agree that his view on marriage equality is horrible, but are we now trying to say that he shouldn't have any job ever again?

And I'm not trying to defend him or anything, but if we started denying jobs from people based on their personal views, I don't think 90% of the internet would have a job after that.

Or are we afraid that his personal views will somehow affect the JavaScript as a language? Soon we can't close an empty string with a matching quote, because they're not heterogenous enough?

Did I miss the point?
jylauril 3949 days ago. link 3 points
Great, now you can go play Regex Golf :)

Also is it just me, but apart from the Doctype definition, that HTML and JavaScript looks like it's from 1998... :S
jylauril 3958 days ago. link 2 points
Wow, looks like people on this site doesn't know how to take sarcasm. :)
jylauril 4006 days ago. link 1 point
I really like the API. Would love to do a project with this. Too bad we still have to support IE8 (because 20% of our visitors still have that monstrosity).. and now that Microsoft decided to continue the XP support for a couple more years, that number is going to decline VERY slowly. FML
jylauril 4222 days ago. link 3 points
This is awesome. Just the thing I have been looking for.
I was thinking about building something like that when I saw the MacGap code:

So yes, please do make this public. I'd love to use it.
jylauril 4259 days ago. link 1 point
For some reason these articles are very biased on Knockout. You can really tell that the authors didn't seem to have spent much time learning either Backbone or Angular. :(