Echo JS 0.11.0


jp comments

jp 4098 days ago. link 2 points
Cool project. I'm surprised that the project is active and that the author is using SourceForge over Github... you don't see that very much anymore.
jp 4111 days ago. link 2 points
I mean this as a sincere statement and not to be snarky, but I still can't figure out why people use Grunt over Makefiles.

Reasons people have stated:

1. It's cross platform compatible. But so are Makefiles, you can download just 'Make' for Windows.

2. It has plugins. What's wrong with text streams and individual programs? i.e. Grunt has a 'Less' css processor plugin. But that's really easy to do with Make and the Less program.

Grunt files seem overly verbose, whereas *most* makefiles seem simply readable. What else am I missing? Why do you use Grunt?
jp 4133 days ago. link 6 points
I use to be one of the biggest defenders of CoffeeScript: 

I've since changed my tune quite a bit. It's not that I think that CoffeeScript is inherently bad. My problems are as follows:

1) In the Node.js ecosystem, if you're going to write modules for others to consume, you should write them in JavaScript if you expect some sort of adoption or contribution.

2) CoffeeScript can deceive JS newbies into thinking that it solves JS's problems. You should really have a solid grasp on JS before starting CoffeeScript.

3) I since came to the conclusion that CoffeeScript doesn't offer much more than JavaScript. The lines of code that it tries to convince you that it saves, is only true if you compare CS to the compiled JS output. But in practice, the margin is much smaller.

I use to write everything in CoffeeScript and have since converted over exclusively to JavaScript. If you want to write CS for your own app or your team's app, go ahead. But if you write OSS, don't expect as much contribution as you may get as if you wrote it in JS.
jp 4151 days ago. link 3 points
1) Nice work.

2) This is the first real example app that I've seen that's piqued my interest in the Hapi framework. I've always been an Express guy, but I may checkout Hapi sometime.
jp 4181 days ago. link 3 points
Sincere question here... can someone explain to me why Mocha hasn't eradicated usage of Jasmine? Am I missing some inherent benefit in Jasmine over Mocha? I've used both, but when Mocha was first released, I dropped Jasmine like a bad habit because of Mocha's asynchronous testing capabilities.
jp 4801 days ago. link 2 points
I'd like to see something similar for AsciiDoc.