Echo JS 0.11.0


jmpllu comments

jmpllu 1407 days ago. link 1 point
Hey guys, author here. I built sourcestack as an alternative to AWS Amplify for creating full-stack serverless web apps. Amplify is a great tool, but as it's a high-abstraction framework that hides infrastructure behind libraries and code generation tools, I frequently end up fighting against it when it doesn't meet my requirements.

In my opinion this is the essential and insidious problem of frameworks - they make certain things easy, but they require you to cede too much control and you end up constrained by their assumptions and locked in to their roadmaps.

sourcestack takes a template based, low-abstraction approach that surfaces all infrastructure and common logic as source code within the workspace, giving you complete control over all aspects of your application. It aims to provide a batteries-included, forkable foundation for a web app that encourages adaptation and a deeper understanding of cloud infrastructure. I'm hoping that others might find it useful and perhaps be inspired to create forks or similar templates for other technologies.