Echo JS 0.11.0


jeromegn comments

jeromegn 3859 days ago. link 2 points
The sales pitch is horrible.

I like the idea of this small library, however "Baucis is tested with over 130 Mocha.js tests" does not sell it for me. 130 tests, that's nothing. I can see way more tests than that for something so complex. Think of all the weird kind of HTTP requests (headers, body, malformed urls, etc.), those need to be accounted for in the tests if it claims to be production-ready.

"Takes full advantage of Node and Mongo for awesome scalability" -> Please, those two things can create very unscalable solutions. The programming language has little to do with how scalable a program will be.

I do like though:

- semver for versioning
- Swagger integration
- Express compatibility

I just prefer less sales-y stuff. The audience is programmers, probably knowledgeable ones. The site should include less fallacies meant to sell.

One more thing: The site "looks" nice, but the first few scrolls are painful on my browser and I'm on powerful computer here with a dedicated graphics card.
jeromegn 3936 days ago. link 2 points
You should add a demo or at least screenshots somewhere. :)
jeromegn 4251 days ago. link 1 point
`Object.create` or `` both feel so weird though! It must be my OO reflexes bubbling up.

What's wrong with using `new model` instead of doing ``? I understand you lose the scope of `this`, but I'm pretty sure there are ways around that.

I wrote a library that uses that syntax for inheritance. You'll probably find it's ludicrous ;) (my `Model` in there is a factory that spits out constructors...)

Interesting talk! Hope to hear more from you soon.
jeromegn 4298 days ago. link 1 point
Title is a bit misleading. Servers don't only do data storage.
jeromegn 4318 days ago. link 1 point
This is almost completely useless.

Teaches you how to install node, mongodb... then run a node.js sample project. No explanations of what the code does (which is the most interesting part and would seem to be relevant due to the article's title.)
jeromegn 4336 days ago. link 1 point
I love the idea, to a point.

I once tried not to use Backbone and I ended up unable to write my own abstraction in a simpler way. Backbone is almost as basic as it gets.
jeromegn 4348 days ago. link 2 points
Projects that are about UI should always have a demo page or something. I'm too lazy to actually download those files and try it myself.

Github Pages are so easy to use...