Echo JS 0.11.0


jasonland comments

jasonland 2028 days ago. link 2 points
Cool, but let's not act like importing Axios is a sin.
jasonland 2030 days ago. link 2 points
Fetch isn't available in Node yet, so Axios is still useful.
jasonland 2067 days ago. link 1 point
The article reads more like marketing content for Ionic rather than an actual examination as to why Ionic rose to the top.
jasonland 2073 days ago. link 1 point
I still have never seen a breakdown of Generators that make me think, "Oh yeah, that's perfect for this use-case!" Are they mostly used in the engines of stuff like Promise libraries or frontend frameworks like Vue?
jasonland 2114 days ago. link 1 point
There's a weird meme I keep seeing that Vue does not scaling well that I've never understood. The state management is very easy to modularize and provides a very clear path to understanding what data goes where.

As for theming, it's trivial to import a master SASS file or 3rd party theme like Bulma and then overwrite where needed in components. Unfortunately my work chose to use Tailwind, so I don't get to reap those benefits.

My issues with React were almost always footguns, like with Redux and its middleware or the three or four ways to handle `onclick`.
jasonland 2115 days ago. link 1 point
By DSL, are you talking about directives? I do admit that the weakest parts of Vue are some of the conventions in their `<template>` section.

There's other considerations like the inconsistency of React-Router to React, and the over complexity of Redux. CSS in JS is a solved problem with Vue