Echo JS 0.11.0


ifandelse comments

ifandelse 3839 days ago. link 1 point
Thanks! I feel the same way. I was really glad when RequireJS added the shim feature. I used the heck out of it! I still use Require quite a bit, but recently started using Webpack as's just about sold me since I've been able to grab both AMD and CJS modules and use them with no fuss.
ifandelse 3839 days ago. link 1 point
Hah! If I could eliminate the need for this pesky thing called sleep, I'd gladly do it. Unfortunately, though, putting off sleep leads to an ever peskier thing called death. :(
ifandelse 3839 days ago. link 1 point
All of my projects using the UMD-wrapper approach are published to npm, so it definitely does not stop you from publishing/utilizing it. Both postal.js and machina.js are examples of this. I can understand why using a UMD feels like it complicates things. I find it more annoying than complicating, personally. John-David Dalton (dev behind Lodash) had some great comments along these lines though when he was on the JSJ podcast - it's about helping developers. And having the ability to support CJS and AMD (in addition to plain globals) doesn't cost much in terms of effort or code, and the resulting win for you and people using your project is worth it, IMO.