Echo JS 0.11.0


gitconnected comments

gitconnected 1521 days ago. link 1 point
Thank you for the feedback, that's actually very helpful, and I agree.

While I agree that the questions shouldn't be asked by people that don't understand them, the unfortunate state of hiring is that they are (for better or for worse), and it can mean the difference in someone getting a job.

If you are interested in reading through the questions in more detail and responding, that would be very much appreciated.
gitconnected 2037 days ago. link 1 point
Thanks so much for that feedback, that means a lot. We work very hard to find good articles that have actual substance from passionate/talented developers.
gitconnected 2072 days ago. link 2 points
The two most popular libraries that I know use generators are Redux Saga and Koa. I have rarely if ever seen it used in product code outside of a library. It is meant to be a way to handle async actions.